Bij de digitale balie
"; echo ""; if ($invr_vgpt == null) { $invr_vgpt="Semantus"; } if ($invr_bzkr == null) { $invr_bzkr="Gast"; } echo "
"; echo "
Uw privacy is belangrijk
"; echo "
Speak to Semantus and have Semanta learn a few things
Поговорите с Эдди и попросите его узнать несколько вещей
"; echo "
Praat met ".$invr_vgpt." en leer ".$invr_vgpt." natuurlijk te converseren met Semanta."; if ($invr_vgpt != "semantus") { echo "
Ik kan van alles vertellen......

Het gebruik is toch de beste leermeester. Dus zeg iets of tik iets en leer Semanta kennen. U converseert met de digitale receptionsie van semanta. Voor haar is er geen verschil tussen u als menselijke bezoeker of als onderdeel van het Internet of Things of als humanoid. De receptioniste is digitaal neutraal.

"; } echo "
"; ?>
> > > > > > > > >

.png width=64 height=64"
"; $bzv1_wrds=explode(" ",$invr_bzv1); $invr_bzv1=trim($invr_bzv1); $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); echo ""; $prts_sgmt=""; $ld=0; $ns=0; // print_r($bzv1_wrds); /////////////////////// // echo "
Bepaal taal van de invoer"; $taal_rslt=bepl_taal($invr_bzv1); arsort($taal_rslt); // print_r($taal_rslt); $taal_sw=0; foreach($taal_rslt as $taal_key => $taal_val) { if ($taal_sw == 0) { $taal_sw = 1; $text_taal=$taal_key; } } $invr_taal=$text_taal; // echo "
TEXT TAAL ".$text_taal." INVR TAAL ".$invr_taal; if($invr_taal== null) { $invr_land="nederland"; $invr_taal="Nederlands"; } // print_r($bzv1_wrds); $ns=0; //////////// echo "
"; $bzv1_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($invr_bzv1,$invr_taal,"bzv1",12); // echo "BZV1 ".$invr_bzv1; // print_r($bzv1_rslt); foreach($bzv1_rslt as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $bzv1_itms=explode("!!",$bzv1_key); $sbzv1_lnks=str_replace(" ","+",$bzv1_itms[3]); $sbzv1_rchs=str_replace(" ","+",$bzv1_itms[4]); $bzv1_lnks=$bzv1_itms[3]; $bzv1_rchs=$bzv1_itms[4]; $bzv1_datm=$bzv1_itms[5]; if ($lrelt != $bzv1_lnks.$bzv1_rchs) { $lrelt = $bzv1_lnks.$bzv1_rchs; echo ""; } } ////////// foreach($bzv1_wrds as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $base_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($bzv1_val,$invr_taal,"base"); if (count($base_rslt) > 0) { echo "
"; echo "

levert ".count($base_rslt)." treffers op in de Semanta kennisdomeinen."; } } echo "
Vergelijkbare conversaties
"; foreach($bzv1_wrds as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $base_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($bzv1_val,$invr_taal,"base"); // print_r($base_rslt); if (count($base_rslt) == 0) { $base_scre=$base_dtls[0]; $base_taal=$invr_taal; $base_fase="opening"; $base_base="0000-0000"; $base_datm=$datm; $base_cntr=-1; $base_mail="gast@".$invr_corp; } if (count($base_rslt) > 0) { ksort($base_rslt); foreach($base_rslt as $base_key => $base_val) { $base_dtls=explode("!!",$base_key); // print_r($base_dtls); $base_scre=$base_dtls[0]; $base_taal=$base_dtls[1]; $base_fase=$base_dtls[2]; $base_vrag=$base_dtls[3]; $base_antw=$base_dtls[4]; $base_cntr=$base_dtls[5]; $base_datm=$base_dtls[6]; $base_url=$base_dtls[7]; $rslt_url[$base_fase]=$rslt_url[$base_fase]+1; if ($bzv1_val == $base_fase) { // echo ""; } } } } arsort($rslt_url); echo ""; foreach($rslt_url as $rslt_key => $rslt_val) { $lrslt_key ="".$rslt_key.""; echo ""; } echo ""; // print_r($rslt_url); echo "
"; echo "
"; $bzv1_wrds=explode(" ",$invr_bzv1); foreach($bzv1_wrds as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $prts_sgmt=$prts_sgmt." ".$bzv1_wrds[$ns]; $prts_sgmt=$prts_sgmt." ".$bzv1_wrds[$ns+1]; $prts_sgmt=$prts_sgmt." ".$bzv1_wrds[$ns+2]; $prts_sgmt=$prts_sgmt." ".$bzv1_wrds[$ns+3]; $ns=$ns+1; // echo "
PRTS SGMT ".$prts_sgmt; $prts_sgmt=trim($prts_sgmt); $sprts_sgmt=str_replace(" ","+",$prts_sgmt); $sgmt_array[$prts_sgmt."@".$invr_bzv1]=$sgmt_array[$prts_sgmt."@".$invr_bzv1]+1; $intn_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($prts_sgmt,$invr_taal,"data",8); // print_r($intn_rslt); if (count($intn_rslt) > 0 ) { foreach($intn_rslt as $intn_key => $intn_val) { $intn_key=strtolower($intn_key); $intn_dtls=explode("!!",$intn_key); $intn_taal=$intn_dtls[1]; $intn_intn=$intn_dtls[2]; $intn_ptrn=$intn_dtls[3]; $intn_tmpl=$intn_dtls[4]; // echo "
"; $text_array[$prts_sgmt."@".$intn_intn."@".$intn_ptrn."@".$intn_tmpl]=$text_array[$prts_sgmt."@".$intn_intn."@".$intn_ptrn."@".$intn_tmpl]+1; if ($irelt != $intn_ptrn.$intn_tmpl) { // echo "
"; $irelt=$intn_ptrn.$intn_tmpl; } } } $prts_sgmt=""; } // echo "
SGMT ARRAY"; // ksort($text_array); // print_r($sgmt_array); // echo "
TEXT ARRAY"; // ksort($text_array); // print_r($text_array); echo ""; $ic=0; foreach($text_array as $text_key => $text_val) { // echo ""; $text_itms=explode("@",$text_key); // print_r($text_itms); $text_domn=$text_itms[0]; $text_lnks=$text_itms[1]; $text_rchs=$text_itms[2]; $text_file=$text_itms[3]; $key_array[$text_domn."@".$text_lnks]=$text_rchs."@".$text_file; $cmds_ipad="intenties"; $ic=$ic+1; $cmds_bzv2=$text_domn."[intn[".$invr_taal."[".$text_file."[".$text_rchs."[".$ic; // echo ""; // include("chbt-cmds-code-2.php"); } echo "
KEY ARRAY"; // print_r($key_array); asort($key_array); foreach($key_array as $text_key => $text_val) { $key_itms=explode("@",$text_key); $key_sgmt=$key_itms[0]; $key_domn=$key_itms[1]; if ($key_domn != null) { // echo ""; // include("chbt-cmds-code-2.php"); if ($trelt != $text_val) { $trelt=$text_val; // echo ""; } $sgmt_itms=explode("@",$text_val); // print_r($sgmt_itms); $sgmt_text=$sgmt_itms[0]; $sgmt_url=$sgmt_itms[1]; if ($sgmt_url.$sgmt_text != $srelt) { $srelt=$sgmt_url.$sgmt_text; $lsgmt_url="".substr($sgmt_text,0,64)."...."; echo ""; } } } echo "
"; $data_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($prts_sgmt,$invr_taal,"data",8); // print_r($data_rslt); $ns=$ns+1; // echo "
"; // $data_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($prts_sgmt,$invr_taal,"freq",8); // print_r($data_rslt); if (count($data_rslt) == 0 ) { // echo ""; } if (count($data_rslt) > 0 ) { foreach ($data_rslt as $data_key => $data_val) { $data_key=strtolower($data_key); $data_itms=explode("!!",$data_key); // print_r($data_itms); $data_scre=$data_itms[0]; $data_taal=$data_itms[1]; $data_domn=$data_itms[2]; $data_lnks=$data_itms[3]; $data_rchs=$data_itms[4]; // echo "
"; if (substr($data_rchs,0,7) == "./data/") { $file_itms=explode("/",$data_rchs); // print_r($file_itms); $file_corp=$file_itms[2]; // echo "
"; // $base_rslt=xtrt_xxxx($file_corp,$invr_taal,"base",1); // print_r($base_rslt); //////// $text_file=$data_rchs; // echo "
TEXTFILE ".$text_file." ".filesize($text_file).""; // echo "
AIML FILE ".$invr_corp."
On behalf of
"; $open_corp=$text_file; $f = fopen($text_file, "r"); $word_count=0; $line_count=0; $full_docm=""; $f = fopen($text_file, "r"); $word_count=0; $line_count=0; $full_docm=""; while ($line = fgets($f, 1000)) { if (substr($line,0,10) == "THE_TITLE:") { $titl_val=str_replace("THE_TITLE:","",$line); $titl_dtls=explode(" ",$titl_val); // print_r($titl_dtls); $titl_tpic=$titl_dtls[0]." ".$titl_dtls[1]." ".$titl_dtls[2]." ".$titl_dtls[3]." ".$titl_dtls[4]; $titl_tpic=trim($titl_tpic); $invr_domn=$titl_tpic; // $sinvr_domn=str_replace(", "," ",$invr_domn); $sinvr_domn=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_domn); // echo "
".substr($line,0,256).""; // echo "
"; // echo ""; // echo "
"; // echo ""; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $sqltref="SELECT * FROM base where `rchs` = '$file_corp' order by `rchs` asc"; $trefresult = mysql_query($sqltref, $link); $tref_num = mysql_num_rows($trefresult); // echo "
Er zijn ".$tref_num." entries gevonden voor uw uiting ".$sqltref; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($trefresult)) { $ipad=$row['ipad']; $taal=$row['taal']; $domn=$row['domn']; $domn=str_replace("+"," ",$domn); $lnks=$row['lnks']; // echo "
XTRT XXXX FUNC RCHS ".$rchs; // echo "
".$lnks."--".$new_scre; $lnks=str_replace("+"," ",$lnks); $rchs=str_replace("+"," ",$rchs); // echo "
XTRT XXXX FUNC IPAD ".$ipad." DOMN ".$domn." RCHS ".substr($rchs,0,128)." LNKS ".substr($lnks,0,128); $rchs=$row['rchs']; $rchs_dtls=explode(",",$rchs); $datm=$row['datm']; $levl=$row['levl']; $vgpt_array[$domn]=$vgpt_array[$domn]+1; $data_array[$prts_sgmt."@".$data_rchs]=$data_array[$prts_sgmt."@".$data_rchs]+1; } } } } echo ""; exit; // print_r($text_array); // echo "
DATA ARRAY"; // arsort($data_array); // print_r($data_array); $wrds_numb=count($bzv1_wrds); $bzv1_lngt=strlen($invr_bzv1); $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); echo "
"; if (strlen($invr_bzv1) > 128) { echo ""; } echo "
Aantal woorden ".$wrds_numb." en aantal tekens ".$bzv1_lngt."
"; $comm_lnes=explode(",",$invr_bzv1); $vrag_lnes=explode("?",$invr_bzv1); // print_r($vrag_lnes); if (count($vrag_lnes) > 0) { foreach($vrag_lnes as $vrag_key => $vrag_val) { //echo "
"; $vrag_wrds=explode(" ",$vrag_val); $wrds_numb=count($vrag_wrds); $bzv1_lngt=strlen($vrag_val); //echo "
Aantal woorden ".$wrds_numb." en aantal tekens ".$bzv1_lngt."
"; } } echo ""; echo "
"; /////////////////// $aiml_rslt=xtrt_aiml($invr_bzv1,"aiml"); if (count($aiml_rslt) > 0) { // echo "
"; $an=0; $summ_tmpl=""; krsort($aiml_rslt); // print_r($aiml_rslt); foreach ($aiml_rslt as $aiml_key => $aiml_val) { if ($an < 2) { $rchs_itms=explode("@",$aiml_key); // print_r($rchs_itms); // echo "
"; $an=$an+1; // $invr_rchs=$invr_rchs."\n".$rchs_itms[1]."-->".$rchs_itms[3]; $invr_tmpl=$rchs_itms[3]; $invr_ptrn=$rchs_itms[2]; $invr_intn=$rchs_itms[4]; // echo "
INVR INTN ".$invr_intn; $comm_intn=explode(",",$invr_intn); // print_r($comm_intn); $invr_intn=$comm_val; $sinvr_tmpl=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_tmpl); $linvr_tmpl="".$invr_intn.""; foreach($comm_intn as $comm_key => $comm_val) { $invr_intn=$comm_val; $sinvr_intn=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_intn); $linvr_intn="".$invr_tmpl.""; if ($rrelt != $invr_ptrn.$invr_tmpl) { $rrelt=$invr_ptrn.$invr_tmpl; // echo "

"; if ($invr_tmpl != null) { $summ_array["ptrn@".$invr_ptrn]=$summ_array["ptrn@".$invr_ptrn]+1; $summ_array["tmpl@".$invr_tmpl]=$summ_array["tmpl@".$invr_tmpl]+1; // echo "
"; // print_r($summ_tmpl); // echo "
"; } } if ($rrelt == $invr_ptrn.$invr_tmpl) { // echo "

"; } } } } } echo ""; // $summ_itms=explode(".",$summ_tmpl); ksort($summ_array); // print_r($summ_array); $summ_rslt=""; foreach($summ_array as $summ_key => $summ_val) { // echo "
"; $summ_itms=explode("@",$summ_key); // print_r($summ_itms); // echo "".$summ_itms[1].""; $summ_rslt=$summ_itms[1].".".$summ_rslt; } $summ_rslt=trim($summ_rslt); $ssumm_rslt=str_replace(" ","+",$summ_rslt); echo ""; $summ_lnes=explode(".",$summ_rslt); // print_r($summ_lnes); foreach($summ_lnes as $lnes_key => $lnes_val) { // echo ""; $lnes_dtls=explode("?",$lnes_val); // print_r($lnes_dtls); foreach($lnes_dtls as $dtls_key => $dtls_val) { if ($dtls_val != null) { $dtls_val=str_replace("]",": ",$dtls_val); $dtls_itms=explode(" ",$dtls_val); // echo "
".count($dtls_itms); if (count($dtls_itms) > 4) { if ($drelt != $dtls_val) { $dtls_array[$dtls_val]=$dtls_array[$dtls_val]+1; echo ""; $drelt=$dtls_val; } } } } } // print_r($dtls_array); arsort($dtls_array); foreach($dtls_array as $dtls_key => $dtls_val) { $sdtls_key=str_replace(" ","+",$dtls_key); $ldtls_key="
"; echo ""; } echo "
tekst: ".$lnes_val."
".count($dtls_itms)."Response: ".$dtls_val."
"; $sinvr_lnks=str_replace(" ","+",$rchs_itms[1]); $sinvr_rchs=str_replace(" ","+",$rchs_itms[2]); $invr_domn=$rchs_itms[4]; if (substr($invr_domn,0,6) == "admin_") { $invr_domn=$bzv1_intn; } // echo ""; // echo ""; // echo ""; // echo ""; // require_once ("slct-tabl.php"); // print_r($conv_tabl); /////////////////// echo "
"; echo "
"; #bepaal taal van de tekst /////// $taal_rslt=bepl_taal($invr_bzv1); // print_r($taal_rslt); krsort($taal_rslt); $taal_sw=0; arsort($taal_rslt); foreach($taal_rslt as $taal_key => $taal_val) { if ($taal_sw == 0) { $taal_sw = 1; $text_taal=$taal_key; // echo "
TEXT TAAL".$text_taal; } } $invr_taal=$text_taal; if($invr_taal== null) { $invr_land="nederland"; $invr_taal="Nederlands"; } ////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// if ($invr_vgpt == null) { $invr_vgpt="Semantus"; } if ($invr_chbt == null) { $invr_chbt="receptioniste"; } if ($invr_bzkr == null) { $invr_bzkr="bezoeker"; } if ($invr_taal == null) { $invr_taal="nederlands"; } if ($invr_bzv1== null) { $invr_bzv1="U mag het zeggen"; } if ($invr_bzv2 == null) { $invr_bzv2=$invr_bzv1; } #bewerk uiting van de bezoeker // echo "
Taal is ".$invr_taal."
"; // echo "
INVR BZV1 ".$invr_bzv1; $invr_docm=$invr_bzv1; $invr_docm=str_replace(":"," vvlg",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace(" - "," .",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace(";"," uitl",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace(")","",$invr_docm); // $invr_docm=str_replace(","," opsm",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("("," uitl",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("'"," quot ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("&"," and ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("/"," of ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("!"," utrp ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("?"," vrag ",$invr_docm); $invr_docm=str_replace("++","+",$invr_docm); $invr_bzv1=$invr_docm; $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); // echo "
SINVR BZV1 ".$sinvr_bzv1; // $bzv1_wrds=explode(" ",$invr_bzv1); // print_r($bzv1_wrds); $invr_bzv1=strtolower($invr_bzv1); $bzv1_lnes=explode(".",$invr_bzv1);// foreach($bzv1_lnes as $line_key => $line_val) { $bzv1_wrds=explode(" ",$line_val); echo "
"; // echo ""; // echo ""; #check grammatica foreach($bzv1_wrds as $bzv1_key => $bzv1_val) { $sw=0; $intn_bzv1=$bzv1_val; // echo "
"; if (strlen($bzv1_val) > 3) { $gw27_rslt=xtrt_xxxx("xdotx".$bzv1_val,$invr_taal,"gw27"); if (count($gw27_rslt) == 0) { $lbzv1_val="".$bzv1_val.""; echo "
No grammar info for ".$lbzv1_val."
"; } foreach($gw27_rslt as $gw27_key => $gw27_val) { $gw27_key=strtolower($gw27_key); $gw27_dtls=explode("!!",$gw27_key); $gw27_lnks=$gw27_dtls[3]; $gw27_rchs=$gw27_dtls[4]; $pgw27_lnks="".$gw27_lnks.""; $conv_gram=$conv_tabl[$gw27_rchs]; $conv_text=$conv_tabl[$bzv1_val]; // echo "
CONV TEXT ".urlencode($conv_text)."
"; if ($conv_text != null and $sw== 0) { $sw=1; // echo "
CONV TEXT ".urlencode($conv_text)."
"; $conv_text=str_replace(","," ",$conv_text); $conv_dtls=explode("@",$conv_text); $conv_intn=$conv_dtls[0]; $conv_qstn=$conv_dtls[1]; // print_r($conv_dtls); $intn_array[$conv_intn]=$intn_array[$conv_intn]+1; $conv_intn=str_replace("invraiml",$gw27_lnks,$conv_intn); $conv_intn=str_replace("invrvgpt",$invr_vgpt,$conv_intn); $conv_intn=str_replace("invrbzkr",$invr_bzkr,$conv_intn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invraiml",$gw27_lnks,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrvgpt",$invr_vgpt,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrbzkr",$invr_bzkr,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace($gw27_lnks,$pgw27_lnks,$convf_qstn); // echo "
"; } if ($conv_gram != null ) { $conv_dtls=explode("@",$conv_gram); // print_r($conv_dtls); $conv_qstn=$conv_dtls[1]; $conv_qstn=str_replace("invraiml",$gw27_lnks,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrvgpt",$invr_vgpt,$conv_qstn); $conv_qstn=str_replace("invrbzkrl",$invr_bzkr,$conv_qstn); if ($grelt != $gw27_lnks) { echo ""; $grelt=$gw27_lnks; } else { echo ""; } } } } } } echo "
Taal is ".$invr_taal."
"; // print_r($intn_array); echo ""; $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); $sinvr_domn=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_domn); exit; // echo ""; // echo ""; /////////////////// echo "
"; echo "
"; // $print_r($aiml_rslt); // echo "
INTN BZV1 ".$intn_bzv1; /////////// $invr_bzv1=strtolower($invr_bzv1); $sinvr_bzv1=str_replace(" ","+",$invr_bzv1); $datm=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); echo "
".$datm; set_time_limit(0); // error_reporting(0); echo "
"; // $wiki_rqst=bild_wiki($invr_bzv1); print_r($wiki_rqst); echo "
"; exit; echo ""; ?>
Or better contact Ed Kool in Holland on 31-162-313323 or Michael Blekhman in Canada on 1-514-3310172.

Lingvistica bv is one of the world leaders in supplying off- the- shelf and custom- made linguistic resources for various applications, such as web- search engines, translation memory, language learning, automatic translation, semantic enriched wordlists and now we are getting into cognitive computing.
To show processable samples we have prepared wordlists (Opens in a new page) with wordforms starting with the letter N. We are not exhaustive in our samples. If you have a special need for a language let us know via info@lingvistica and most likely we can make a sample acccording to your specifications.


Bad company-Byrds>
Simon and Garfunkel
The Boss